Marriage is a wonderful thing, ordained by God, but we understand that it can also be trying at times. We want to supply you with the tools for a healthy, successful and godly marriage.
Our purpose here on earth was predestined by God. We aspire to empower and encourage one another so that we may walk in our divine, God inspired purpose and do what God has called us to do with excellence.
Men of God have been given a tremendous amount of responsibility. We aspire to uplift and encourage each other to be the absolute best that we can be and understand that with God, ALL things are possible.
Our goal is to teach our children all they need to know about Christ at a very young age, so that as they grow, Christ will be permanently woven into the fabric of their lives. Giving them a huge head start at life.
We desire to fully prepare our youth for real life. Teaching them all about Christ prepares them for adulthood and how to deal with any situation they may face on their journey.
Our young adults need to know how to prepare for things to come in the near future. We teach them how to apply the teachings of Christ in every aspect of their lives.
Praise and Worship doesn't stop or start at singing. Worshiping God is something that comes from within your heart. It's a sign of surrendering your life to Christ.
Praising God is a lifestyle.
We provide food boxes to anyone in need. You do not have to attend our church or live within our community.
Feeding God's people IS Ministry.
For distribution dates visit our website at:
We believe in sober living. Our goal is to help you transition from your current situation, into living your best life.
We believe that no matter what you have been through, you can always bounce back. We offer the tools to help you reach your best potential.
Our media team helps carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to the congregation through video, sound and advanced technology.
We would love to have you as a volunteer. After all, it's going takes more than us to help everyone that we desire to help. If you are available and have a heart to serve, please contact us so we can get you started.